Yoshio Murase lives in Japan. He is known for his "Identical Screen
Checker". This program is used to check, if sokoban stages are derivated
from copyrighted originals. But another subject made Mr. Murase famous:
Yoshio Murase, H.Matsubara and Y.Hiraga tried to generate Sokoban levels automatically, and some levels were generated successfully. There are papers on the generation and some of the levels in Yoshio Murase's web page. With friendly permission of Yoshio Murase GAMES 4 BRAINS presents:
WEEKLY-Levels for download (2kb).
This collection of computer-generated
Sokoban-problems is well-known. All levels (52) consist of just 3 packets
and goals, but if you think they are easy to solve, you might be wrong.
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